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Our Programs and Services

Innocence Freed Aftercare Program: Empowering Second Chances 


Introducing the Innocence Freed Aftercare Program

The Innocence Freed Aftercare Program is the first and only of its kind in Nebraska. An innovative initiative dedicated to providing essential support, services, and resources for formerly trafficked women and girls re-entering society after complex trauma.  We aim to empower these individuals to rebuild their lives with purpose, reduce recidivism, and positively impact the community.


We understand the unique challenges faced by survivors of labor, sex trafficking, and exploitation, and our program emphasizes holistic rehabilitation and reintegration. From job readiness to financial literacy, we focus on equipping participants with the tools they need to thrive and regain control over their futures.

Innocence Freed is a Registered Service Provider for the State of Nebraska. Our program is unique and created for female minors and adults who have been trafficked. Email us for more information at

Program Overview

Innocence Freed is dedicated to serving an underserved population that often falls through the cracks of existing support systems. By offering a comprehensive suite of services tailored to the specific needs of each participant, we aim to address the barriers that hinder successful reintegration into society.

Our Aftercare Program, support groups, and Intensive Outpatient Program with case management are also tailored for individuals who work or go to school full-time and need extra support and fellowship with like-minded people.

The Key to Financial Literacy and Job Readiness for Sex Trafficking Survivors

For survivors of human trafficking, financial literacy, and job readiness are crucial steps toward reclaiming independence and stability. Learning how to manage finances, create budgets, and build credit empowers survivors to take control of their economic futures. Additionally, job readiness—through skill development, resume building, and interview preparation—helps them secure meaningful employment and rebuild their lives with confidence and dignity.


At Innocence Freed, we focus on these essential life skills to support survivors in their journey toward self-sufficiency and long-term success.

We understand the demands of balancing work and personal life, and our program is designed to provide a comprehensive support system that includes:

Features of Our Program for Survivors who
Work or Attend School Full-Time

Flexible Scheduling

  • Extended hours to accommodate various work & school schedules.
  • Drop-in and pick-up options to fit busy lifestyles.

Survivor Networking

  • Opportunities to connect with other thrivers.
  • Workshops and seminars on career development and workplace skills.

Stress Relief and Wellness

  • Fitness classes and physical activities to promote mental and physical health.
  • Biblical mindfulness and relaxation sessions to manage stress.

Social Engagement

  • Community-building activities and social events.
  • Group discussions and support groups for shared interests and challenges.

Convenience Services

  • Meal planning and preparation assistance.
  • Errand and chore support to save time.

Skill Development

  • Personal and professional development workshops.
  • Life coaching, peer to peer, and mentoring programs.

Family Support

  • Childcare services and family-friendly activities.
  • Parenting workshops and resources.

Financial and Job Rediness

  • Learning how to manage finances, create budgets, and build credit empowers survivors to take control of their economic futures.
  • Skill development, resume building, and interview preparation.

Key Features of Our Program 

  1. Drug and Alcohol Therapy and Relapse Prevention:

    • Individual Counseling: One-on-one sessions with certified addiction counselors to address personal challenges and create tailored recovery plans.
    • Group Therapy: Peer support groups to share experiences, build connections, and gain insights from others in similar situations.
    • Relapse Prevention Programs: Workshops and activities focused on identifying triggers, developing coping strategies, and maintaining long-term sobriety.
    • Aftercare Planning: Ongoing support and resources to help individuals transition from intensive therapy to everyday life, reducing the risk of relapse.
  2. Mental Health Therapy:

    • Individual Therapy: Private sessions with licensed therapists to address a range of mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and more.
    • Group Therapy: Facilitated group sessions that provide a supportive environment to discuss challenges, share experiences, and learn from others.
    • Crisis Intervention: Immediate support for individuals in acute distress or experiencing a mental health crisis.
    • Therapeutic Activities: Art therapy, music therapy, and other creative outlets to promote emotional expression and healing.
    • Psychoeducation: Educational sessions on mental health topics to empower individuals with knowledge and strategies for managing their conditions.
    • Trauma-Focused, Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy: Trauma-Focused, Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy (TF-EAP) is a specialized therapeutic approach designed to help individuals, particularly children, who have experienced trauma and exploitation. This therapy leverages the unique relationship between humans and horses to facilitate emotional healing and psychological recovery.

Our program aims to create a safe, supportive, and therapeutic environment where individuals can receive the care they need to achieve lasting recovery and mental wellness.

We offer both, Equine Therapy and Faith Based Assisted Philosophy as part of our aftercare and day program because it provides a unique and effective approach to healing and personal growth. Equine Therapy, also known as horse therapy or equine-assisted therapy, leverages the natural bond between humans and horses to promote physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.

Innocence Freed is unique in providing animal-assisted therapy and Faith Based Equine Assisted Philosophy specifically tailored for survivors of trafficking and sexual exploitation, as there are currently no other facilities offering these services in Nebraska.

FBEAP (Faith-Based Equine-Assisted Philosophy) is grounded in biblical teachings, drawing parallels between the two to help people achieve spiritual and emotional healing.
  1. Biblical Foundations

The core of FBEAP is rooted in Christian principles, specifically the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of the Bible. The process focuses on:

  • Exposing unhealthy thought patterns: This reflects the biblical call for self-examination, as seen in verses like Romans 12:2, which speaks of renewing the mind to align with God’s will.
  • Replacing with healthy, Biblical thought patterns: This echoes the idea that God’s truth brings healing and freedom (John 8:32). By adopting Biblical principles, individuals are set free to live the life God intended for them, filled with peace, purpose, and direction.
  1. Herd Behavior

FBEAP also draws from the wisdom of horse herd dynamics. Horses operate on clear social structures and instincts that promote balance, safety, and harmony within the herd. Partnering with horses in FBEAP creates an opportunity to:

  • Mirror human emotions and behaviors: Horses are incredibly sensitive to their environment and can reflect a person’s emotional state, providing immediate, non-verbal feedback.
  • Highlight unhealthy patterns: Just as a herd instinctively eliminates threats to its well-being, working with horses helps identify and “expose” destructive thought patterns or relational dynamics that may be hindering personal growth.
  • Encourage healthy behavior: The way a herd collaborates and thrives can serve as a model for adopting healthier, cooperative behaviors in our own lives.
  1. The Holy Spirit and Horses as Partners

The unique combination of horses and the Holy Spirit in FBEAP allows for a gentle, non-intrusive approach to spiritual and emotional healing:

  • Horses act as mirrors of human behavior, providing insight into areas where change is needed.
  • The Holy Spirit guides the process, enabling individuals to discern God’s will and align their thoughts and behaviors with His word, creating transformation from within.


This approach is designed to guide individuals away from damaging patterns of thinking and behavior, replacing them with biblically-based truths and spirit-led freedom, helping people step into the life God has called them to live.

Our Commitment to Survivors

Innocence Freed is dedicated to offering aftercare services because we believe in the potential of every survivor to lead a fulfilling and independent life. Our comprehensive approach ensures that survivors receive the support they need to heal, grow, and thrive. By addressing the multifaceted needs of survivors, we can help them build a future filled with hope and possibility.

Many conditions foster human trafficking, including poverty, insecurity, forced migration, pornography, and family dysfunction. Individuals alone cannot end the conditions that promote human trafficking, and a multidisciplinary team is necessary to make a substantive social and institutional change.

​Victim Services should be:

  • Trauma-informed, evidence-based on the empowerment model of service provision and recovery.
  • An empowerment model of service provision is strengths-based, comprehensive, and respects an individual’s autonomy and self-determination.
  • Holistic in mind, body, and spirit.
  • Maintaining sobriety includes prescribed medications that promote addiction and keep the survivor in a state of “brain fog”.

Maintaining sobriety for survivors of trafficking can be a complex and challenging process, especially when prescribed medications carry the risk of addiction or dependence. Organizations like Innocence Freed need to approach this issue with sensitivity and care, prioritizing the well-being and recovery of survivors.

Here are some considerations for managing prescribed medications within the context of maintaining sobriety:

  1. Individualized treatment plans
    Recognize that each survivor’s journey to recovery is unique, and their medical needs may vary. Work with healthcare professionals to develop individualized treatment plans that address both physical and mental health concerns while minimizing the risk of addiction or dependence.
  2. Holistic approach
    Emphasize a holistic approach to recovery that integrates various therapeutic modalities, such as counseling, support groups, trauma-informed care, and alternative therapies (e.g., art therapy, mindfulness practices). This comprehensive approach can help address underlying issues contributing to substance use and promote overall well-being.
  3. Medication management
    Exercise caution when prescribing medications with the potential for addiction or abuse. Prioritize non-addictive alternatives whenever possible, and closely monitor the use of medications that carry higher risks. Implement strict protocols for medication management, including regular evaluations, dosage adjustments, and oversight by healthcare professionals.
  4. Education and informed consent
    Provide survivors with comprehensive information about the medications prescribed to them, including potential side effects, risks, benefits, and alternatives. Encourage open dialogue and informed consent, allowing survivors to actively participate in decisions regarding their treatment plan.
  5. Support and accountability
    Offer ongoing support and accountability to survivors as they navigate their recovery journey. This may include regular check-ins, counseling sessions, peer support groups, and access to resources for managing cravings, coping with triggers, and preventing relapse.
  6. Collaboration and coordination
    Foster collaboration and coordination among healthcare providers, addiction specialists, mental health professionals, and other support services involved in the survivor’s care. Maintain open lines of communication to ensure continuity of care and a cohesive approach to treatment.


By adopting a holistic, individualized approach to medication management and recovery support, organizations like Innocence Freed can help survivors maintain sobriety while addressing their unique medical needs and promoting overall wellness.